
清代皇宫的平面分布,由南向北依次是()。 A.坤宁宫—乾清门—乾清宫—太和殿 B.午











In the following passage, there are 20 blanks representing the words that are missing from the context. You are to put back in each of the blanks the missing worD.The time for this section is 20 minutes.
Many things about language are a mystery, and many will always remain so. But some things we do know.
First, we know that all human beings have a language of some sort. (1) is no race of men anywhere on earth so backward that it has (2) language, no set of speech sounds by which the people communicate with one (3) . Furthermore, in historical times, there has never been a race of men (4) a language.
Second, there is no such thing as a primitive language. There are many people (5) cultures are underdeveloped, who are, as we say, uncivilized, but the (6) they speak are not primitive. In all known languages we can see complexities (7) must have been tens of thousands of years in development.
This has not (8) been well understood; indeed, the direct contrary has often been stateD.Popular ideas (9) the language of the American Indians will illustrate. Many people have supposed that the Indians (10) in a very primitive system of noises. Study has proved this (11) be nonsense. There are, or were, hundreds of American Indian languages, and all of them (12) out to be very complicated and very old.They are certainly (13) from the languages that most of us are familiar with, but they are (14) more primitive that English and Greek.
A third thing we know about language (15) that all languages are perfectly adequate. That is, each one is a perfect (16) of expressing the culture of the people who speak the language.
Finally, we (17) that language changes. It is natural and normal for language to change; the (18) languages which do not change are the dead ones. This is easy to (19) if we look backward in time. Change goes in all aspects of language. (20) features change as do speech sounds, and changes in vocabulary are sometimes very extensive and may occur very rapidly. Vocabulary is the least stable part of any language.


西部地区某鼓励类国有企业2005年1~11月份实现应纳税所得额400万元,11月末增值税留抵税额2万元,12月份生产经营如下: (1)进口材料一批,货值折合人民币100万元,包装箱费用2万元,海运费8万元,关税率7%; (2)国内采购材料一批,增值税发票注明价款300万元,增值税51万元,采购运费2万元,装卸费0.4万元; (3)出口销售产品5套,FOB价格折合人民币300万元,该产品生产成本40万元/套; (征税率17%,退税率13%); (4)当期管理费账户列支管理费90万元,其中有职工家庭财产保险10万元,职工误餐费5万元,当年新产品开发费用在本月汇集合计20万元(上年16万元); (5)当期销售费用账户列支费用80万元,其中有给本单位雇员佣金20万元; (6)在国内销售产品4套,不含税价格350万元,该产品生产成本50万元/套; (7)从境外分回税后利润12万元,已在境外交纳过所得税3万元; 假定企业实际工资开支与国家规定标准相符,要求按顺序计算: (1)该企业当期进口环节税金; (2)该企业当期应抵扣的进项税总和; (3)当期应纳的增值税; (4)当期应退增值税; (5)当期企业销售总成本; (6)当年应纳税所得额; (7)当年度应纳的企业所得税。
