
发包人或者山租人应当自发包或者出租之日起( )口内将承包人或者承租人的有关情况向主



发包人或者山租人应当自发包或者出租之日起( )口内将承包人或者承租人的有关情况向主管税务机关报告。发包人或者出租人不报告的,发包人或者出租人与承包人或者承租人承担纳税连带责任。













(5)老师看了该小组的记录,提示说:你们注意到三次测量的电阻相差较大这个现象吗?通过交流,其他小组也都有类似现象:灯泡电阻随电压增大、亮度增强而增大。经讨论,同学们认识到:实验有误差是肯定的,但这个现象不能单纯用误差来解释。因为:如果是误差,那么三次测得的电阻值应该相差__________ (选填“较大”或“较小”),并具有___________的特点(选填“逐次增大” 、“逐次减小”或“时大时小”)。后来,同学们注意到灯泡发热发光的特殊性,认为灯泡的电阻可能与__________有关。

     Tess went to her bedroom and pulled a glass jar from its hiding place. She poured all the coins out on
the floor and counted it __1__. Then cautiously placing the  __2__back in the jar, she made her way six
blocks to the chemist's.
     She waited for the chemist to give her some __3__, but he was busy talking with a well-dressed
gentleman at that moment.__4__she took a quarter from her jar and banged it on the glass counter. That
did it!
     "And what do you want?" the chemist asked in an __5__tone of voice. He turned back__6__expecting a reply to his question.
     "I want to buy a __7__," Tess answered back to the chemist in the same annoyed tone. "My brother
Andrew is really, really __8__. Daddy says only a miracle can save him. And I believe I can find it here.
How much does it cost?"
     InstInstantly they __9__ talking. The well-dressed gentleman came up to Tess, and __10_ to ask how much money she had on her.
     "One dollar and eleven cents," Tess answered. "And it's all the money I have."
     "Well, what a coincidence(巧合). A dollar and eleven cents-the  _11_  price of a miracle for your little brother," smiled the man.
     Actually, the gentleman was an expert surgeon in his field. He performed an   _12_  on Andrew without charge and it wasn't long  _13_  Andrew recovered.
     Mom and Dad were always  _14_  how much the operation would have cost. Tess smiled. Only she
knew exactly how much a miracle cost…one dollar and eleven cents…plus the _15_ of a little child.
( )1. A. carefully
( )2. A. currency  
( )3. A. admission
( )4. A. So      
( )5. A. astonished
( )6. A. by  
( )7. A. pill  
( )8. A. sick  
( )9. A. started
( )10. A. went down
( )11. A. basic  
( )12. A. action
( )13. A. after
( )14. A. knowing
( )15. A. faith
B. contently  
B. cash      
B. attention
B. And      
B. appreciated
B. for  
B. miracle    
B. weak      
B. stopped    
B. broke down
B. low        
B. experiment
B. when    
B. wondering
B. chat      
C. carelessly  
C. change      
C. attraction
C. But      
C. annoyed     
C. beyond    
C. medicine   
C. unhappy    
C. continued   
C. settled down
C. exact    
C. operation  
C. until      
C. doubting  
C. fantasy    
D. considerately  
D. collection    
D. adjustment    
D. Or            
D. amused        
D. without        
D. drug          
D. naughty        
D. considered    
D. bent down      
D. average        
D. assignment    
D. before      
D. realizing      
D. curiosity      

The casual Friday concept (星期五便装日的概念) was one of the first signs that strict dress rules for offices were starting to relax. The principle of casual Fridays seems to have appeared around the 1950s. It was probably in response (回应) to the changing attitudes towards workplaces. Over time, some offices have relaxed their dress rules even more by using a "business casual" dress rule.

On casual Fridays, employees (员工) may wear clothes which are considered to be "business casual", meaning they still obey certain standards (标准). Clothes must be clean and in good condition, with no spots. Men are generally allowed to wear casual trousers and bright-colored clothes, and in some offices they may be allowed to wear button-down shirts or polo shirts, with or without a tie. Women often wear neat skirts or dresses; casual trousers are common and generally allowed to wear, except in very formal workplaces.

As a general rule, extremely casual clothes, like jeans, shorts, T-shirts, tank tops, and so on, are not encouraged on casual Fridays. Employees are still expected to make an effort to look professional, out of respect for their offices and their customers.

Many people feel that casual Fridays are good for employees’mood because they encourage employees to express their individuality (个性) and feel more comfortable in the offices. Others feel that business casual clothing and the concept of casual Fridays don’t show respect for the workplaces. Casual Fridays are dealt with differently, depending on the industry and the nation. The technology industry, for example, is well known for casual clothes in general, while major financial companies still dislike casual clothes.

小题1:We can learn from the passage that ________.

A.the casual Friday concept has been out of fashion

B.people were required to wear formal clothes in offices before casual Fridays concept appeared

C.the casual Friday concept had appeared before the 1950s

D.employees who wear formal clothes lack individuality小题2:In general, on casual Fridays, as an employee in a company you can wear ________.


B.tank tops


D.polo shirts小题3:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The casual Friday concept changes people’s responsibility at work.

B.Button-down shirts are allowed to wear in any formal workplace.

C.In general, leading financial companies don’t prefer casual clothing.

D.The technology industry requires employees to wear formal clothing.小题4:What does the last paragraph tell us?

A.Different kinds of casual clothes.

B.The development of the casual Friday concept.

C.People’s different opinions on casual Fridays.

D.The rules that employees must obey in companies.
