
把下列词语补充完整。 ( )高( )重 ( )( )深长 左( )右( ) 自( )




( )高( )重  ( )( )深长  左( )右( )  自( )自( )

张( )李( )  失声( )( )  ( )不( )心  ( )( )不安

( )( )不幸  ( )血( )杀  不拘( )( )  碧空( )( )

( )( )同舟  年过( )( )  水落( )( )  北风( )( )

行色( )( )  百折( )( )  久别( )( )  ( )( )起伏

千( )百( )  ( )( )学语  寝不( )( )  ( )来( )梦

怒目( )( )  十指( )( )  ( )( )分文  流连( )( )

( )( )可亲  ( )( )发光  一命( )( )  ( )( )残喘

( )( )全非  ( )魁( )首  难( )厄( )  ( )毛( )雨

( )病相( )  无( )无( )  ( )( )不得  ( )( )落后

暗无( )( )  不解( )( )  有朝( )( )  大洋( )( )

为所( )( )  一反( )( )  无言( )( )  微波( )( )

响遏( )( )  竭泽( )( )  眼冒( )( )  暑去( )( )

( )( )私语  相( )相( )  大( )大( )  奇妙( )( )

雕( )( )栋  ( )( )匠心  引人( )( )  古色( )( )

余音( )( )  不( )窠( )  雅俗( )( )  美不( )( )

脍炙( )( )  ( )( )和寡  ( )( )生花  阳春( )( )

笔走( )( )  别( )一( )


德高望重 意味深长 左顾右盼 自言自语 张冠李戴 失声痛哭 漠不关心 惴惴不安 惨遭不幸 嗜血拼杀

不拘小节 碧空如洗 风雨同舟 年过半百 水落石出 北风呼啸 行色匆匆 百折不挠 久别重逢 跌宕起伏

千姿百态 牙牙学语 寝不能寐 频来入梦 怒目切齿 十指紧扣 身无分文 流连忘返 和蔼可亲 闪闪发光

一命呜呼 苟延残喘 面目全非 罪魁祸首 难逃厄运 白毛细雨 同病相怜 无声无息 哭笑不得 不甘落后

暗无天日 不解之谜 有朝一日 大洋若土 为所欲为 一反常态 无言以对 微波荡漾 响遏行云 竭泽而渔

眼冒金花 暑去寒来 窃窃私语 相亲相爱 大喊大叫 奇妙无穷 雕梁画栋 独具匠心 引人注目 古色古香

余音未了 不落窠臼 雅俗共赏 美不胜收 脍炙人口 曲高和寡 妙笔生花 阳春白雪 笔走龙蛇 别具一格


The twenty-seventh of July, 2002 ,was the worst day in Janek Mela’s life. The Polish boy had an accident and lost half his left leg and half his right arm. 小题1:    and was very sad.

Then his most important journey began. Marek Kaminski, a famous Polish explorer, visited Janek and asked him to go to the North and South Poles (南北极)with him. Janek gave the best answer of his life.

Janek prepared for the trips for a few months. First, he learned to use his artificial (man-made) leg 小题2:.

Their first expedition was to the North Pole. Janek and the team had to be careful. There were animals, dangerous ice and bad weather. 小题3:, but things got better. They got to the pole on April 24th, 2004. Janek was 15.

In December, the team started the expedition to the South Pole. The weather was worse this time.小题4:. They finally arrived at the South Pole on December 31st, 2004.

Janek is the youngest explorer to go to the North and South Poles because he was brave and said “Yes!”
